Author Archives: Mark Lee Robinson

About Mark Lee Robinson

I am a psychotherapist and pastoral counselor who is the Executive Director of the Center for Creative Conflict Resolution. Most of my work is with systems (persons, couples, families, organizations) in which there is a high level of conflict. I am not a mediator but an educator. I teach people how to resolve any conflict that arises and, in the process, transform themselves and their relationships.

How Resilience Works

Source: How Resilience Works

We all know that resilience is a good thing.  But we are not very clear about what makes for a resilient person or organization.  We need pockets and sources of resilience to best respond to the increasing chaos in the world we live in.  This article gives good guidance for knowing what we need in our toolkit to create the quality of resilience.  It is also beautifully written.

Islands of Sanity

One of my tribes is the international community of folks working in the fields of organizational development and conflict resolution.  Margaret Wheatley is a primary source for many of us.  She has a new book coming out in a couple of weeks entitled, Who Do We Choose To Be: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity.  She says about it;

“I know this is the most important book I have written. Writing it in September 2016, I wondered whether readers would accept the descriptions of where we are; but now, the book feels descriptive, even a bit tame, given all that continues to unfold in the world at exponential speed.”

The book won’t be released until June 19 so of course I haven’t read it.  But the excerpts she has released make a couple of things very clear.

  • The problems we are facing in the world are not ones we don’t know how to solve.  We are not waiting for some technological breakthrough that allows us to address and resolve the social and environmental crises we are encountering.  We already know what to do.
  • What we are missing is not technology but leadership.  We can’t implement the solutions because our leaders are people who have come to power because they love having power.  They get power from the existing structures.  They are not willing to change these structures because that will mean a loss of power.
  • The leaders we need are not people who want to be in the positions of power and they are not the people that most will elect to office.  The imagination of the larger culture is not one which can contain the transformation we need.
  • So the global problems can only be addressed by local leadership.  We address them by forming organizations that are in Meg Wheatley’s lexicon, “Islands of Sanity.”

Beginning in July we are forming a gathering we are calling Sacred Soup Sunday.  We are planning to meet on the first and third Sunday evenings of the month.  We will give you details as we work them out.  We long to create for each other Islands of Sanity.

Judeo-Christian Values

In this week”s news magazine “The Week” there is an article about Steve Bannon, the chief strategist for the Trump White House.  The closing paragraph of the article begins

What does Bannon propose doing?

Bannon believes the only viable path forward is to overthrow the political establishment, undo globalization and restrict immigration, and create a new system based on Judeo-Christian values and economic nationalism.

As much as I am troubled by Mr. Bannon’s perspective and agenda, I am even more distressed that it can be so easily characterized as being “based on Judeo-Christian values.”

I don’t doubt for a moment that Mr. Bannon believes that what he believes is informed but the Judeo-Christian tradition.  And I don’t doubt that there are a great many others who, saying they support Judeo-Christian values, would agree with Mr. Bannon.  And, as we now live in a post truth world, that fact that they say it is so makes it so.

But I want to state in the strongest possible terms that the values of the current administration broadly, and those expressed by the “chief strategist” in particular have almost no connection to the values expressed in Hebrew and Christian scripture.

Indeed, the final sentences of that paragraph and of the article read…

Bannon doesn’t shy away from his image as a shadowy figure pulling strings. “Darkness is good,” he says. “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power.”

Trump and a Post-Truth World

In these days I often remind myself that, as Martin Luther King Jr. told us, “The arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”  While I fervently believe this is true, at times like these I need a bit of reassurance.

That reassurance came earlier this week when I was emailed a link to a new eBook by Ken Wilber entitled, Trump and a Post-Truth World: An Evolutionary Self-Correction.  You should know Ken Wilber if you don’t.  Some find him a bit hard to take as he sometimes comes off as though he thinks he is the smartest guy in the room.   I suspect this may because he is the smartest guy in the room.

While much of what we think of as scholarship drills down into the details of what is, Wilber, as an integral philosopher, is always using the details to construct the largest possible picture of what is.  In this 80 page freely distributed book [It’s a pdf.  You don’t even need a special reader.] he draws deeply from aspects of integral philosophy to explain what is happening in our world politically and to offer a perspective on what we can do to heal it.

It helps a lot to have a background in AQAL theory and Spiral Dynamics.  You can find lots of resources online to explain these terms more fully than he does in the book.  But ultimately you will be able to follow his thread if you stay with it.

The bottom line is that while the current crisis is the horrific disaster we think it is, it is also a necessary and ultimately healthy corrective in the progress of evolution to greater health and wholeness for humans and the planet.  Or at least it can be.  But it will be only to the degree to which we don’t let our fears cause us to regress and follow the paths of hate and division.  We will, as one of the earliest authors of nonviolence taught us, have to learn to love our “enemies.”

Read it yourself and then let’s talk about it.

[button link=”″]Trump and a Post-Truth World[/button]



Alligators break things

We didn’t elect Donald Trump as our President because we thought he would fix things. We elected him because we knew he would break things. At some point that task will be completed and we will have to start rebuilding. We will have to remove him.

It may take four years when we elect someone else. It may only take until the 2018 elections when we have reconstituted the Congress such that we can impeach him. Or it may come to the awareness of the Republican Party that they cannot allow him to remain in office without doing fatal damage to the party. Indeed, they may have no hope for re-establishing credibility with the American people unless they are willing to protect us from him.


Each person has the option of choosing to feel better or to better feel. The more mature option is to allow our pain to teach us about what we need and to motivate us to improve our lives. We use the anxiety to bring our attention to an issue and to explore it until we understand how to address it and then fix it and get pleasure from a sense of mastery and the absence of the pain we were in.

But from time to time we are so overwhelmed by the anxiety and have so little hope that we can address it that we say, “screw it,” and just grab a beer or a donut or some porn. Instead of struggling to “better feel” we just do what will make us “feel better.”

That is what we did when we elected Donald Trump. Coal miners in West Virginia didn’t think that Trump would bring back their jobs, but they liked the fact that he was expressing outrage over the loss of them. They just wanted someone to “drain the swamp.” By now it is very clear that he has no intention of draining the swamp. Rather he is importing the alligators.

But these alligators will break the system. They will quickly and effectively make the system so dramatically dysfunctional that we will have to scrap it and start over. It will be beyond repair. At that point we will, as the person who has “acted out,” discover that we have “hit bottom,” in the parlance of addition recovery. We will marshal our resources to the point that we no longer take the easy out and instead do the hard work of rebuilding.

The tasks of rebuilding are not going to be possible in the presence of a corrupt system. By no objective definition of corruption can one argue that Hillary Clinton is more corrupt than Donald Trump. That is going to be even more apparent as soon as he is sworn in [in five days as I write this].

Corruption is when one uses the power one is entrusted with for the benefit of another to benefit oneself instead. Accepting bribes is a prime example. But so is when elected officials use the power of their office in ways that benefit the party over the interests of the people. So, yes, we have a corrupt federal government.

The promise of a Trump Presidency is that it will make the corruption so evident that we cannot ignore it any longer and will finally act to change the system. We will begin to demand that our political parties actually serve the people over their own petty interests. We will actually drain the swamp.

I am quite confident this will happen at some point. We cannot continue to damage our internal organs with our dependency on intoxicants like promises we know cannot be kept and which are ultimately unjust. At some point we will grow up and realize that we each have a responsibility to the all that requires that we pay taxes and care for each other and no longer expect the community to do more for us than we are willing to do for it. That day will come and it will come sooner for the folly that is our election of Donald Trump.

The Meaning of Our Choice

Peacemaking LogoIn these days, the ways that people living side by side make meaning can be vastly different.  We can find the facts we want (or, failing in that, simply create the facts that suit us) and construct the meaning or our choice.

Not all meaning is of equal value.  The best meaning is that which most closely approximates reality.  Ultimately we cannot know what is real.  We can only approach it.  It is an asymptote; a limit we can move towards but never fully grasp.

When the meaning we make, the cognitive maps we craft, are close renderings of reality, we can make choices which best construct what we need; that is, the conditions which keep us safe and allow us to be satisfied.

Choices which attempt to meet our needs but ignore the needs of others are based on faulty maps.  They don’t acknowledge the unity of all things.  They are a short-term fix that causes long-term problems.

As we approach the inevitable conflicts of life, especially those with whom we have the most intimacy, we benefit greatly by having a cognitive map that acknowledges the interconnectedness of all and thus supports our ability to create what we need such that others get what they need as well.

The Workshop on Interpersonal Nonviolence is an introduction to just such a map.

Love and Belonging at Christmas

For the first time in my memory I experienced Christmas without a home church.  I went to the Christmas Eve Service at Pilgrim UCC where I am still technically a member and am known and welcomed but where I don’t have any leadership role.  I helped Leroy light the many candles and then he recruited me to help as an usher and I did my part to try to hold up the words of the hymns in the face of that mighty organ, but I am a visitor, not a pastor.

So I am experiencing Christmas in a different way this year.  I am less a participant and more an observer.

I have seen a couple of articles which question what it means that, “there was no room in the inn.”  But practically speaking this seems to have more to do with the crèche scene than the theology of the nativity.  Indeed, the theology of the nativity seems to have very little to do with Christmas as we celebrate it.

Which is quite okay with me.  We have created the holiday we need in the face of the stories Matthew and Luke have given us.  And it is a great holiday.  It is about family and giving and love for all and acceptance.  It is full of colors and light and smells and music.   It is about exuberance and excess.

But all of this manages to pretty much miss what the gospel writers were trying to say.  So while we think we are remembering Christmas, we are obliterating the fundamental messages.  What they told us was that the life of this human person Jesus was a revelation about the nature of the divine and of who God is and how God enters into life… into our life.  It is a stark contrast to the cultural values not only of ancient Israel but of modern America.  It is not about something amazing that happened long ago to someone else.  It is about what is happening right now… and now… to me and to you and to us.

One thing we have got right.  It is about abundance; an abundance of love.

Anger and Enemies

President Barack Obama awards the 2013 National National Humanities Medal to Krista Tippett, radio host, from St. Paul, Minn., during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington, Monday, July 28, 2014. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Today’s On Being with Krista Tippett is an interview with a couple of American Buddhists on how we relate to our enemies and our suffering.  It is a part of the work that she and On Being are doing on nurturing Civil Conversations.  When we operate out of a cognitive map that defines people as either allies or enemies, and which legitimizes not only the emotion of anger but its expression in violence, we construct suffering — and not just for others but for ourselves as well.

What is the alternative? Jesus taught us to love our enemies, but as Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman point out in the piece, that way of being requires development.  We evolve into a way of being that replaces hate and fear and anger with concern and care and love.  We have to first of all stop the hate before we can start the love.  It takes more than intention to make this shift; we also need discipline.

This is just the approach that we will be taking in the conversation on January 14 that I am calling Interpersonal Nonviolence.  We are not only stopping the violence, we are also embodying the love that arises when we can more and more fully experience the fact that we are all connected…that we are all a part of the same body.  For more information about that workshop, follow this link.

To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This – The New York Times

What if falling in love is not something that happens to you, but something that you create by the choices you make?

Link to source: To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This (Updated With Podcast) – The New York Times

Do we really want to have a greater level of intimacy with others?  Why does intimacy scare us so much? What would happen if we were in a community in which the norm was to have the deepest level of intimacy with each other that we could?