Mark Lee Robinson

resources for transformation

Addressing the Metacrisis

Nearly a decade ago now I was privileged to be one of a couple dozen students at the feet of Fr. Richard Rohr as part of the Living School of the Center for Action and Contemplation. We had been discussing the developmental levels described by Spiral Dynamics of Clare Graves and adapted as Ken Wilber’s Altitudes.

Frederic LaLoux had just published his Reinventing Organizations and we were keen to see how the insights he offered about becoming a Teal organization could be adapted to the transformation of the Church. Wilber had suggested in several writings that the Church might be a conveyor belt that would carry large parts of the human community to a higher level understanding of the nature of being and the needs of the world. We sought Fr. Rohr’s guidance. How can we help the Church in its many forms transform into the institutions we need to address the social, political, and environmental crises facing humanity today?